Philoptochos Prayer

The Philoptochos Prayer

O Lord Jesus Christ, we bow our heads before You, and with humble hearts we give thanks to You for the abundant blessings, which You have poured forth upon us. We praise You for gathering us together as members of the Ladies Philoptochos Society in the service to Your Holy Church. We bless You for the selfless sacrifice of countless generations of women who have faithfully fulfilled the philanthropic mission entrusted to them. Through Your ineffable wisdom and Your Divine power, You have enabled us to minister to those who are in need of Your love, Your comfort, and Your care. Make us instruments of Your peace and of Your hope, O Lord. Where there is pain and suffering, may we bring Your healing and comfort. Where there is loneliness and isolation, may we bring the fellowship of Your Holy Church. Where there is despair and discouragement, may we inspire hope and faith in You. Where there is hatred and strife, may we be peacemakers producing the fruits of love and reconciliation.

We also ask You, O Lord, to guide our deliberations, our decisions, our fellowship, and all our labors, so that in all we do, orsay, we may bring glory to Your Holy Name, of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Metropolis of Chicago Philoptochos

555 Butterfield Rd, Suite 201

Lombard, IL 60148